Rendering Settings

I have been asked a few times what my X-Plane 10 rendering settings are and up until now I haven’t had a great way to answer. So that I have something to point to whenever someone asks me what my rendering settings are, here is a screenshot: This screenshot has been added to my X-Plane 10 page, as well as the following screenshot of my SkyMaxx Pro settings. It is worth noting that I change these settings somewhat often, but they will usually be in line with these.

New Video! ASA879 KSEA to PHLI in the EADT x737 V5

In this video we fly from Seattle to Kauai in the x737. It takes forever and the scenery in Kauai sucks. That’s what happens when you don’t check beforehand. Don’t worry, we’ll revisit this with better scenery at some point.

New Video! KCLT to KLGA in the IXEG 737.

In this video we have some fun flying the IXEG 737 and I fly into LaGuardia over some buildings and almost crash and have no working reverser control. Good times.